I’m showing an input box using alertdialog.the edittext inside the dialog itself is automatically focused when i call alertdialog.show(), but the soft keyboard is not automatically shown.. how do i make the soft keyboard automatically show when the dialog is shown? (and there is no physical/hardware keyboard).. You can hide or show the soft keyboard programmatically in android by using the inputmethodmanager. you can hide and show the keyboard programmatically with the following methods. call the below methods by passing edittext, searchview or any view object in it. hiding soft keyboard. When you define an edit text widget, if the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus. android:shadowcolor: adds any keyboard navigation cluster roots that are descendants of this view (possibly including this view if it is a cluster root itself) to views..
14+ android alertdialog.builder example codes and output
In my view, i have a search edittext and i would like to trigger programmatically the behaviour of a click event on the field, i.e give focus to the text field and display soft keyboard if necessary (if no hard keyboard available).. Show soft keyboard automatically when edittext receives focus posted by david chandler on may 2, 2012 i’ve been unpleasantly surprised at how difficult it is to find info on showing or hiding the android soft keyboard, so i’m putting a few code snippets out here for posterity.. Android listview with edittext loses focus when the keyboard displays the issue is when you have a listview or an expandablelistview with input capable fields that displays the soft keyboard on focus, the edittext loses its focus for the first time but the second time it just works fine..
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