Download gapps cm 9 [ics 4.0.x] gapps adalah penamaan untuk sebuah paket aplikasi milik google yang dijadikan satu paket file terkompres berformat zip. paket gapps ini muncul karena google tidak memperbolehkan developer rom custom semacam cyanogenmod, aokp, aosp, miui dan lainnya memasukkan aplikasi-aplikasi miliknya kedalam paket custom rom buatannya.. Google apps (gapps) is the google's proprietary application set (a package of android programs), and you can find these core google apps on almost all android devices. gooogle apps comes built-in with most oem’s android. Google apps (gapps) is the google’s proprietary application set (a package of android programs), and you can find these core google apps on almost all android devices. gooogle apps comes built-in with most oem’s android smartphones and tablets, but these apps can’t be integrated into custom rom packages because it breaks the licensing.
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